Monday, August 22, 2011

Rational SoftwareArchitect and Subclipse on Linux

As my development needs have grown, I have discovered the usefulness of running VMWare on my Mac to do development -- especially for applications that are ultimately destined to run in a Linux environment. However, much of the development stack is slightly less manageable in that environment than it would be in *gasp* Windows. (Rational doesn't even officially support the Mac!)

So, I have to make adjustments. The latest one is when I set up Subclipse. Normally, this is a simple download/install. It's gotten a bit harder, now, with the requirement for the JavaHL library, and doubly so, when you mix that in with Linux.

When Subclipse cannot find this library it provides the useless message: "Unable to load default SVN client." That actually means, "I cannot find".

I went hunting for it, and it wasn't installed, so I went down the "yum provides" path:

yum provides

That led me to subversion-javahl, which I was able to install.

Restarting Rational did not improve my situation, however. I did get a message that told me what the java library path was, however, so I just soft-linked the library into one of those directories:

ln -s /usr/lib64/ /opt/IBM/SDP/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/

That fixed it.

I could have gone in and edited eclipse.ini somewhere, but this link was quicker and had the benefit of being fairly resilient against software upgrades.